Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Please Vote in My Poll.

Please help me. I am overwhelmed by my HAED's and I need to just concentrate on one but I can not make up my mind which one it should be.

Please vote for the one you like best and think I should stitch on.
Thank you!


  1. I voted for which one I liked the best...but which one have you stitched the most on???

  2. Anonymous5:40 pm

    They are all gorgeous designs! Good luck!

  3. The poll is a fun idea! I voted for the Green Man simply because it's the time of year for green and growing things :)

  4. Sorry you feel overhelmed. I picked Spirit because you were excited when you started. Hope the poll helps you

  5. good luck ... love the green man ... love mouse xxxxx

  6. I voted for Dragon Moon. I was thinking as it is a story keep you might finish it a bit quicker and then onto the next one. With HAEDs I think you need to stitch on what is calling to you.

  7. Wow! This is a close count.


Thank you so much for taking the time to comment, I really appreciate each and every one.