Tuesday, August 11, 2009

ILCS Birthday Club Presents

This is what I have received so far from the ILCS Birthday Club. I still have three more parcels to come which are on their way from Nancy, Kim and Vicky, which I will post pictures of when I receive them.

2009 ILCS Birthday exchange

This one is from Ethel, she really spoiled me as you can see! The thread Heaven is welcome with open arms since Cols mum has mine lol. Lots of nice fabric and I always love to get socks!
Thank you for everything Ethel!

2009 ILCS Birthday exchange

This one is from Meari. She sent me three Lizzie Kate charts, a handy measurer, a stitchy nail file, needles (very grateful for as I have run out and am using a nasty old needle from a magazine cover kit!) and Humour is a Virtue chart by Thea Dueck. Thank you so much Meari, I loved it all.

2009 ILCS Birthday exchange

This one is from Shelley. I love the Dragon chart as it is very unusual! As you can see, she stitched me a lovely bookmark and it is so well stitched and finished. I love the fabric and buttons too, so thank you Shelley!

2009 ILCS Birthday exchange

This one is from Melinda, thank you so much! I have already stitched the free piece that is the companion to this one, and am looking forward to stitching it. She also sent me the beads to go with it!

2009 ILCS Birthday exchange

This one is from Debbie S, which was on my wish list. As you can see, she included the fabric to go with the charts. Thank you so much!

2009 ILCS Birthday exchange

This one is from Rhonda. I want to start stitching all the charts in this book right now but it will have to wait lol. Thank you so much!

2009 ILCS Birthday exchange

This one is from Debra H. I have not seen this design before but absolutely love it. Will definitely be stitching this one! Again, the needles couldnt have come at a bettter time!

Thank you ladies for making my Birthday extra special!

I also received 'Bewitching Cross Stitch' by Joan Elliott from my ex hubby, Ivan, which was on my Amazon wish list. Thank you hunny!


  1. Congrats on all your birthday stash.... you really made out like a bandit!

  2. Great Birthday stash! Looks like you had a great stash day!

  3. Awesome gifts, Kelly. Happy Birthday! (again) Glad you had a good day... Choco cake and all. LOL

  4. Wow - at first I thought the first gift was all of them and was going to congratulate you - haha. Then I see all the rest! - What wonderful birthday gifts!

  5. So glad you had such a special day and received such great stash!

  6. Great Birthday gifts. You'll have lots of dragons to keep you company. Glad you had such a good day.

  7. Oh I didn't know there was a free companion piece or that you had stitched it. I'm glad I picked good for you. Do you have a pic of the companion? I'd love to see it! There are 2 sets of beads right? I couldn't tell from the pic and want to be sure you got both colors. Lots of great stash!!

  8. You have some fantastic stash here! Lots of dragons...great stuff!

  9. EvalinaMaria11:56 pm

    Happy belated birthday!!! {{{{{hug}}}}}

    Great stash! It wil keep you busy for some time... I hope you are having a lot of fun with your birthday just as I had with mine.

  10. Wonderful gifts, happy birthday Kelly!

  11. Great presents....I still think you needed to do a video like Evalina!

  12. Shelley - ILCS12:12 am

    Holy Moly!! That is a lot of great looking stash. I wouldn't know where to start, lol!!


Thank you so much for taking the time to comment, I really appreciate each and every one.